I am really sorry about posting this a second time but I forget to
include some real important stuff
we are running DEC OSF/1 (Digital Unix) DEC 3000/400
physical memory = 64.00 megabytes.
CPU - 133mh
Our network has PC nfs clients using Beam&Whiteside tcp/ip
software. They are both dos and oracle database users
No of users - 1218 - administrative users
On another box with similar problems -
DEC 3000 /400 with 128 mg mem
No of users - 10000
mainly students
Hello Everyone,
We are currently experiencing problems with DIGITAl's ADVFS
Our site has experienced tremendous discomfort with migrating on this
platform since last summer, so much so that we are considering
moving back to UFS.
WHAT I would like to know is how many sites are using the ADVFS?
and have anyone gone back to ufs
I will summarize. Thanks for all input
A bit of a background .
Quota does not function properly with ADVFS -
-reports wrong output
-inconveniences users because they cannot write
to their home directories because the system thinks they are
above their quota although a du -sk . shows that they
are way below their quota
Slower response time - tested with a digital rep as well on site
Defragmentations have to be done nightly
Corrupted files when we had some partition with ufs and root/usr
Presently we have quota disabled which is very bad for
our environment because we have to keep constantly buying disks
to alleviate the problem.
We know in ufs quota works at least.
Seela Balkissoon
Computer Systems
Information Technology Group
e-mail.- seela.balkissoon_at_sheridanc.on.ca
"You are making progress if each mistake you make is a new one"
Received on Fri Mar 01 1996 - 22:41:22 NZDT