SUMMARY : Password encryption on Digital Unix

From: Andrew Moar <CCAM_at_LURE.LATROBE.EDU.AU>
Date: Tue, 05 Mar 1996 14:48:35 +1000

Dear all,

Thanks to all those who responded to my question regarding password encryption.

The answer was to simply use crypt (or bigcrypt with enhanced security). This
worked (after a bit of extra fiddling with scripts because of Ultrix
differences). Thanks also for others suggestion and solutions to my problem.

In particular:

Akihito Yakoshi
Gerhard Kircher
Dr. Thomas P. Blinn
Malcolm Dunnett

for sample scripts

Don Newcomer

for convuser suggestion (which upgrades accounts in /etc/passwd to enhanced
security, this may be something I'll look at in the future)

John Nolan

for Expect suggestion, which allows you 'automate responses to programs
including the password program' (sounds like it could be handy)

Tom Leffingwell
Andy Phillips
Mike Iglesias

for pointing me in the right direction.

I was also advised to use C2 enhanced security which is something I'll have to
look at.

Thanks for the quick response,

Andrew Moar
System Programmer
La Trobe University
Received on Tue Mar 05 1996 - 06:04:59 NZDT

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