Output from top on Alpha 2000

From: <arthur_at_midir.ucd.ie>
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 96 13:18:13 +0000

Greetings all -

I've installed top on an Aplha 2000 here in University College Dublin, built
from the archive at eecs.nwu.edu. The version of top is 3.37.

I'm a little puzzled as to the memory figures it reports -- I guess "Real:"
is physical and "Virtual:" is swap (it matches fairly closely how the machine
is configured), but what does "Free:" refer to? I'll summarise (summarize?)
for the group.

Here's what top shows:

load averages: 111.24, 10.29, 9.79 13:07:23
139 processes: 2 running, 27 waiting, 31 sleeping, 78 idle
Cpu states: 33.5% user, 0.0% nice, 47.7% system, 18.8% idle
Memory: Real: 45M/122M act/tot Virtual: 69M/366M use/tot Free: 2624K

13502 pp 47 0 6704K 786K run 0:00 4.00% rfc822norm
13397 root 47 0 2800K 425K run 0:00 4.00% top
13580 pp 42 0 6704K 786K WAIT 0:00 3.60% rfc822norm
13576 pp 42 0 6704K 786K WAIT 0:00 3.40% rfc822norm
13453 pp 42 0 6856K 958K WAIT 0:00 3.10% rfc822norm
  350 root 42 0 28M 16M WAIT 2:31 2.90% qmgr
  568 news 42 0 10M 4112K WAIT 1:10 2.80% innd
13378 pp 42 0 6856K 958K WAIT 0:00 2.60% rfc822norm
 8033 pp 42 0 6760K 622K sleep 0:10 1.80% fcontrol
 6024 pp 42 0 6776K 622K WAIT 0:13 1.80% msg-clean
13361 root 42 0 6984K 1294K sleep 0:00 1.60% submit
 4024 pp 42 0 6752K 622K WAIT 0:25 1.50% fcontrol
 4363 pp 42 0 6760K 622K WAIT 0:18 1.50% fcontrol
 8425 pp 42 0 6768K 614K WAIT 0:08 1.50% msg-clean
 4784 pp 45 0 6768K 622K sleep 0:17 1.30% fcontrol

Thanks for any and all feedback.

 - Arthur Green
   University College Dublin Computing Services
   Tel: +353 1 706 2456 Fax: +352 1 283 7077 E-mail: arthur_at_midir.ucd.ie
Received on Wed Mar 06 1996 - 16:41:41 NZDT

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