[SUMMARY] PC-alike-keyboard and Ghostview

From: Christophe Colle <colle_at_krtkg1.rug.ac.be>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 1996 16:18:10 +0100 (MET)

Dear Managers,

Many many thanks to Simon Tardell <tardell_at_particle.kth.se>. He pointed
out that the numlock key was assigned to a modifer. I made up a new
.keymap (because a few other key were acting weird too). Now everything
is working fine.

Christophe Colle

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     | \ Colle Christophe Phone: +32-(0)9-2403955
     +---- mail: colle_at_krtkg1.rug.ac.be http://krtkg1.rug.ac.be/~colle
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 07 Mar 1996 15:01:13 +0100
From: Simon Tardell <tardell_at_particle.kth.se>
To: Christophe Colle <colle_at_krtkg1.rug.ac.be>
Subject: Re: PC-alike-keyboard and Ghostview

Your message dated: Thu, 07 Mar 1996 14:24:31 +0100

>Dear managers,
>I'm still having problems with this keyboard (digital's pc-alike
>keyboard) on a dec-alpha 200 4/166. When we run ghostview then we can't
>select any of the popup menus when the numlock is on. Switching of
>numlock allows us to select the pop-up menus. Has anyone seen a similar
>thing? Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

Check out xmodmap(1). Probably Num_Lock is assigned to a modifier. Clear it.
xmodmap -e clear Mod4, f.ex. The default keymaps are in /usr/lib/X11/keymaps/.

Simon Tardell, voice +46 8 162688 fax +46 8 347817
Fysikum, Stockholms universitet simon_at_physto.se, tardell_at_particle.kth.se
Received on Thu Mar 07 1996 - 16:56:14 NZDT

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