Recursive copy of an HTML hierarchy

From: CEA France <Herve>
Date: Fri, 08 Mar 96 11:07:31 +0100

Hello DU managers,

Do you know of a tool allowing the copy of a whole HTML hierarchy ?

More specifically, I have found very useful and hard-to-find-elsewhere
info about CDE at this URL :

and I want to make it locally available to my users without driving them
mad due to *LONG* response time of France/USA links
(Yes, I know, CDE is *ALREADY* driving them mad ... ;-)

Thanks for your help,
| Herve DEMARTHE %^) E-Mail: |
| CEA/DSM/DRFC/STEP Tel: +33 42257527 Fax: +33 42252661 |
| CEN Cadarache Bt 506 13108 St Paul Lez Durance FRANCE |
| <<< Aprendiz de todo, Maestro de nada ... >>> |
| All opinions expressed herein are mine and not those of CEA. |
Received on Fri Mar 08 1996 - 11:54:31 NZDT

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