AF not compatible with Digital Unix 3.2D?

From: Jim Wright <>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 11:25:48 -0800 (PST)

I've just upgraded a couple machines to DU 3.2D-1 and now find that
Audio File no longer works. When trying to run the server Aaxp, it

    dda can't open /dev/streams/bba, errno message " 2 "

There is no /dev/streams/bba. I would just try and create the device,
but don't know what major,minor numbers to use. The old numbers seem
to have all been remapped in this release. I do have the following in
my kernel definition

    controller bba0 at * vector bbaintr

and see this when booting

    Digital UNIX V3.2D-1 (Rev. 41); Fri Mar 8 09:29:03 PST 1996
    bba0 at tc0 slot 7
    DEC 3000 - M700 system
    Firmware revision: 6.4
    PALcode: OSF version 1.35

This particular machine is a 3000/700, but I assume 3000/500 and 3000/600
will be the same. Note that I have never been able to get AF to work on
any of our AlphaStations.

How do I get AF working under 3.2D?

Jim Wright Keck Center for Integrative Neuroscience
            415-502-4874 voice 513 Parnassus Ave, Room HSE-802, Box 0444
            415-502-4848 fax UCSF, San Francisco, CA 94143-0444
Received on Mon Mar 11 1996 - 20:58:56 NZDT

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