Weird behaviour of our HTTP-daemon

From: Erik Sundermann <>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 1996 17:02:33 +0100

Hello everyone,

I guess this is not the most appropriate place to ask this question,
but since I'm experiencing the problem on an OSF/1 3.0-machine ...

We are using the CERN HTTP-daemon (version 3.0). Everything works fine
for normal HTML-files, images, etc ... However, if somebody tries to
execute a cgi-bin script on our machine, 2 times out of 3 you get a
correct result, and sometimes you get a "Document contains no data"
error message.

If you execute a script that sends an email and then displays a "Thank
you" message, you get the "Document contains no data" error from time
to time, but you *always* get an email (i.e. the script is always
executed, but the output doesn't always reach Netscape)

Same thing for clickable images (using htimage; the CERN equivalent for
imagemap): if you click on a sensitive area of the image, you have a
fair chance of teleporting to the right page, but every once in a
while you get "Document contains no data".

I'm pretty sure all paths are OK in the configuration files, because
otherwise it would never work. I've tried the same thing on another
AXP, and same behaviour, except that the succes rate drops from
2-out-of-3 to 1-out-of-5.

If you want to see the miracle for yourself, please take a look at
"" and hit the reload-button a
couple of times.

Can anyone shed some light on this, or even point me to the
people/mailing-list/newsgroup that might be able to help me ...



Erik Sundermann (0 0)
MEDISIP Group - University of Ghent +-----oOO----(_)------------+
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41 | You know how Einstein got |
B-9000 Ghent - Belgium | bad grades as a kid ? |
                                         | Well, mine are even worse |
tel : +32-9-264.66.19 | (Calvin) |
fax : +32-9-264.35.94 +-------------------oOO-----+
email: || ||
WWW : ooO Ooo
Received on Wed Mar 13 1996 - 17:57:02 NZDT

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