What is wrong with my tape (device)?

From: Rob van Strien <ROB_at_rulxho.LeidenUniv.nl>
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996 09:33:30 +0000

I'm new to UNIX and I have to write a script file to perform a daily
backup. I just cannot figure out the right dump command and its

We have a DEC Alphastation 3000/300X, with DEC OSF/1 V2.1. The
backup device is a Hewlett Packard's HP35470/80A DDS tape drive.

I want to backup multiple file systems on one tape. We have 3 x 1 Gb
disks and the backup medium should be able to hold at least 4 Gb.
This is the script file I run (see DEC OSF/1 System Administration
(AA-PS2RB-TE) 10-6):

#! /bin/csh
/usr/sbin/dump -0uf /dev/nrmt0h /
/usr/sbin/dump -0uf /dev/nrmt0h /usr
/usr/sbin/dump -0uf /dev/nrmt0h /mnt2
/usr/sbin/dump -0uf /dev/nrmt0h /mnt
/usr/sbin/dump -0uf /dev/nrmt0h /usr/users

And this is the frustrating result:

/usr/sbin/dump -0uf /dev/nrmt0h /
dump: Dumping from host rulxha
dump: Date of this level 0 dump: Thu Feb 29 14:41:51 1996 WET
dump: Date of last level 0 dump: the start of the epoch
dump: Dumping /dev/rrz3a (/) to /dev/nrmt0h
dump: Mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
dump: Mapping (Pass II) [directories]
dump: Estimate: 51818 tape blocks on 0.12 volume(s)
dump: Dumping (Pass III) [directories]
dump: Volume 1, tape # 0001, begins with blocks from i-node 2
dump: Dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
dump: 0.96% done -- finished in 00:01
dump: Write error -- wanted to write: 10240, only wrote: -1
slave_work(): write(): I/O error
dump: Write error - /dev/nrmt0h, volume 1, 7 feet -- cannot recover
dump: NEEDS ATTENTION: Do you want to restart this volume?: ("yes" or
"no") yes
dump: Replace the faulty tape with a new one
dump: after it has finished rewinding
dump: This dump volume will be rewritten
dump: If this volume contained more than one
dump: dump, only the last one will be rewritten
dump: on the new volume; previous dumps are still
dump: intact on the faulty volume
dump: Rewinding and unloading tape
dump: Close error
rewind_tape(): close(): I/O error
dump: Change Tape: Mount volume 2, tape # 0002
dump: Cannot open device file /dev/nrmt0h
dump: NEEDS ATTENTION: Do you want to retry the open?: ("yes" or
"no") no
dump: SIGTERM received -- Try rewriting
dump: Unexpected signal -- cannot recover
dump: The ENTIRE dump is aborted
bash# dump: SIGTERM received -- Try rewriting
dump: Unexpected signal -- cannot recover
dump: The ENTIRE dump is aborted

Can somebody tell what all this means? I tried it with several new
tapes, all with the same result.

I also tried the tar command, just to see what happenend:

tar -c /user/users/twong
tar: close error: I/O error

And if I try to look at what's on the tape with tar:

tar -t
tar: tape read error: No space left on device

I have the feeling there is something wrong with these disk special
files in /dev/...

FWIW, the mt status command. I'll be happy to supply more
information if I only knew what is relevant. I'm used to openVMS and
I just do not yet understand these errors (Will I ever? What does
"Do yo u want to retry the open?" means?)

---------------- --------
category DEV_TAPE
interface SCSI
device TZxx
adpt_num 0
nexus_num 0
bus_num 0
ctlr_num 0
slave_num 32
dev_name tz
unit_num 0
soft_count 0
hard_count 6
stat 5
                        DEV_BOM DEV_OFFLINE
category_stat 20000
---------------- --------
mt_type MT_ISSCSI
mt_dsreg 0
mt_erreg 0
mt_resid 0

Please help or point me to the right place to look. I really need to
start those backups soon! Thanks in advance.

Rob van Strien
Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie, Leiden, NL
Received on Thu Mar 14 1996 - 10:56:17 NZDT

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