Alpha Performance Tuning for News Server

From: Warren T. <>
Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 10:53:11 -0500

Hello all,

I've been running a DEC 250 4/266 with 256M RAM as an INN news server
for the past couple of months, and it seems that nothing I've done is
really working for news download times.

I've changed SOMAXCONN and SB_MAX in the kernel, using dbx, and that
seemed to work for a little bit, but then I got another notice this
morning of slow downloads.

Anybody out there configured a DU box to really work news? We get
upwards of about 350 simultaneous readers throughout the evening, and
that's normally when people complain. So performance tuning needs to be
with a big load in mind.

Thanx in advance,

        Warren T.
Received on Mon Apr 01 1996 - 18:22:16 NZST

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