Thanks to the following people for answering my question (what a barrage of
helpful info!) I had the first reply within an hour, and that fixed the problem.
My original mail was:
One of our customers has the above card on an Alpha 8200, running DU3.2c,
brand new machine and so (hopefully) latest firmware. They want to use it at
100MB into a CISCO Cat5000 100MB port. The problem is that the DE500 runs
fine at 10MB (when plugged into a 10MB port anywhere at all), but wont run
at 100MB. How do we make it run at 100MB. Any help would be appreciated.
and the replies were (I have tried to trim the length a bit):
From: Harald Lundberg <>
ifconfig <ifname> <normal ifconfig params> speed 100
<ifname> is tu0, tu1 or whatever. The speed setting can be 10, 20, 100 or
200. 20/200 means full duplex.
From: "Kees Bol - Landbouwuniversiteit, Afd. I&D" <Kees.Bol_at_RCL.WAU.NL>
Hi, I installed the DE500 in a 200 4/166 and all works fine.
What I have done:
) changed ewa0?? to 'twisted pair, full duplex' (at the console-level)
) connected the utp-cable to a 100Mbit cisco Cat5000 100Mb port
During the rebooted the correct speed was selected automaticly.
Then I changed the ethernetdevice from tu0 to tu1 and that's it.
From: Herve DEMARTHE (CEA France) <>
We had the same problem on an AS 2100, the swith being
a Bay Networks/SynOptics 28115.
You need to install a patch for 3.2C, here is the README file :
Digital UNIX Version 3.2C Patches
Nov 19, 1995
CHECKSUM: 14161 6 RCS:
CHECKSUM: 47863 17
CHECKSUM: 32019 36 RCS:
PATCH ID: OSF350-070
MANDATORY patch for all machines containing the DECchip 21040-AA
and DECchip 21041-AA (TULIP) Ethernet chips.
Note: Check for TULIP Ethernet chip -
# grep TULIP /var/adm/messages
............ tu0: DEC TULIP Ethernet Interface, ........ if exists
Installation Instructions: A kernel rebuild is required.
PROBLEM: (Patch ID: OSF350-070) (QAR 39571)
Under certain relatively rare and stressful conditions,
the DECchip 21040-AA and DECchip 21041-AA (TULIP) Ethernet chips
will corrupt a transmit packet and compute/create the CRC per the
corrupted data and send the corrupted packet.
The DECchip 21040-AA is embedded in various AlphaStations,
AlphaServers, and Alpha Single Board Computers. This device is
also used on various PCI and EISA network options such as
the DE434, DE435, DE436, and DE425.
The DECchip 21041-AA is only used on the DE450 PCI Ethernet options.
PROBLEM: (Patch ID: OSF350-070) (HPXQ92E27)
Under heavy system/bus loads, the default programming of
the DECchip 21140-AA Fast Ethernet device (DE500), results in
excessive framing errors. In the worst case, the error rate is
so high that performance is better with a regular 10 Mbps Ethernet
for performing similar types of network activity.
* OSF/1, Open Software Foundation, OSF/1 are trademarks of the
Open Software Foundation, Inc.
* UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries
licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.
Digital Internal Use Only
Let me know if it targets your problem and I can send you the
uuencoded patch if Digital is unable to provide it.
Anyway, check TWICE the firmware level, even if the machine is new,
because this leads to problems (adapter not detected at start-up).
From: "Richard L Jackson Jr" <>
First, if you have not installed patch OSF350-070, then you may want to
do this...
'MANDATORY patch for all machines containing the DECchip 21040-AA
and DECchip 21041-AA (TULIP) Ethernet chips.'
CHECKSUM: 14161 6 RCS:
CHECKSUM: 47863 17
CHECKSUM: 32019 36 RCS:
Secondly, set the console variable set 'ewb0_mode FastFD' for 100Mb/s
full-duplex (that is if the CISCO supports full-duplex). ewb0 is the
second network interface card. If the DE500 is the only card you have,
then you specify ewa0_mode. I installed the DE500 on a 2100 5/250 and
2100 4/275. I also discovered that the firmware release that was supplied
with 3.2c for the 2100 did not fully support the DE500. I had to download
a factory firmware release to get the full support. You should visit your
firmware documentation. The AlphaServer 2100 4.3 firmware docs provide
the following ew*0_mode values
a AUI thickwire
fast 100Mb/s
fastf 100Mb/s, full duplex
fu full duplex, twisted-pair
t twisted-pair
ps. I strongly recommend OSF350-070 since it fixes a problem with the
device driver that caused many errors and actually caused the 100Mb/s
mode to be slower than 10Mb/s under certain conditions.
From: Matt Thomas <>
Add "speed 100" to the line that configures the tu0 device in
/etc/rc.config. (or "speed 200" if you can do full duplex).
From: "Jason M. Heyd" <>
Try adding 'speed 100' (for 100 MB half-duplex) or 'speed 200' (for 100
MB full-duplex) at the end of your IFCONFIG_n line in /etc/rc.config ..
For example:
IFCONFIG_0="<ip_address> netmask <netmask> speed 100"
In my experience, the card sometimes auto-detects speed when the machine
is power-cycled, but once it has detected a speed it's "stuck" there.
I've not seen this behavior to be consistent, however, and therefor
include the speed IFCONFIG flag at all times. FYI, 'speed 10' is 10MB
half-duplex, 'speed 20' is 10MB full-duplex.
From: Johannes Grosen <>
This card is an auto-detecting card. The port on your hub/switch must be
set to 100MB and then the machine has to be re-booted. There isn't any
way (that I know of) to force the speed. We have this card in three
Alpha 2100's here and that's been our experience.
From: Rajul Shah USG <>
There are two ways to do this:
1. At the Alpha console level:
>>> SET EWx0_MODE FAST (100Mbps Half-Duplex)
>>> SET EWx0_MODE FASTFD (100Mbps Full-Duplex)
x = A, B, C, ... depending on instance of the DE500-XA in the 8200
The above also assumes that the console does indeed support the above
options. If it doesn't then see option 2 below.
2. Via ifconfig:
# ifconfig tuN speed 100 (100Mbps Half-Duplex)
# ifconfig tuN speed 200 (100Mbps Full-Duplex)
N = 0, 1, 2, ... depending on instance of the DE500-XA in the kernel
The speed can also be specified in /etc/rc.config as follows:
IFCONFIG_X="... netmask ... speed 100"
IFCONFIG_X="... netmask ... speed 200"
I'll forward you the tu(7) man pages for completeness. These man pages have
been created for Digital Unix V4.0, but are just as applicable for V3.2C/D.
Thanks to all readers of OSF Managers......
Peter Ivanov, Manager, University Wide Network,
Communications Unit, Division of Information Services,
University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052.
Phone: 02 385 1244, FAX 02 385 1112.
Received on Tue Apr 09 1996 - 07:53:26 NZST