Hi everyone ,
It seems that I have a permission problem in my mail file .
Here is the output of using sendmail (user is root )
# sendmail -v deya
deya... Connecting to (local)...
about to exec
Cannot exec /bin/mail: Permission denied
554 Cannot exec /bin/mail
deya... Deferred
# ls -lat /bin/mail
-r-sr-sr-x 2 root mail 40960 Aug 8 1994 /bin/mail
However , if I log as deya , and do the same thing :
Pyramids.apana.org.au:/usr/users/deya >sendmail -v deya
test as deya ..
deya... Connecting to (local)...
about to exec
deya... Sent
Pyramids.apana.org.au:/usr/users/deya >
It works , I tried to change the permissions many times , but it seems
that there is something missing , something that user deya is permitted
to exec. but not root , may be ! But no user can receive any mail , even
deya .
This is an example of my syslog file mail.log :
Apr 12 17:06:14 Pyramids sendmail[310]: AA23986:
, delay=00:17:46, stat=Deferred
Apr 12 17:06:15 Pyramids sendmail[310]: AA23990:
, delay=00:17:29, stat=Deferred
Apr 12 17:06:18 Pyramids sendmail[310]: AA23846:
, delay=02:17:49, stat=Deferred
Apr 12 17:06:20 Pyramids sendmail[310]: AA23818:
, delay=02:53:32, stat=Deferred
Any help would be greatly appreciated , as all the mail to this domain
is deferred , and nothing is delivered as of this problem .
Thanks in advance ,
Deya Motawie Tel(O): (015) 414130
School Of Computing Science. Fax : (02) 5645341
UTS - Msc Researcher AI Lab. Email : Dhmotawi_at_Socs.uts.edu.au
University Of Technology, Sydney P.O. Box 123, Broadway NSW 2007
APANA System Administrator
(02 ) 692-0151 (Vox) Email : Deya_at_Pyramids.apana.org.au
Received on Sat Apr 13 1996 - 08:31:34 NZST