
From: Kevin Maguire <kcm_at_tca1.dl.ac.uk>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 18:18:27 +0100 (BST)


Is there any decent timers available for use with DUnix 3.0. I'm
using clock() now, but need something a bit finer, like RTC on IBMs,
If I must change this is some configuartion file then rebuild the
kernel so be it, but I need better than 1/60 sec to time anything
accurately. Incidentally the man page for clock seems to suggest that
clock() returns microsecs, failing to mention they come in 16666
chunks. A bit misleading if you ask me.

Kevin Maguire         __    __    __    __           Daresbury Laboratory
K.Maguire_at_dl.ac.uk   /  \  /  \  /  \  /  \      Warrington, Cheshire, UK
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