Hi everybody.
I have been getting the following error in my messages file:
Apr 20 13:59:49 epsilon vmunix: fork/procdup: task_create failed. Code: 0x11
After speaking with DEC support, they had told me to increase the
maxusers which would increase the number of total processes. So, I
increased that to 512 and rebuilt the kernel, put it in place and rebooted
the machine (it's an alpha 2100 running DU3.2c). I was still getting
this error in the messages file. I ran sizer -n junk and looked at
the configuration file and the maxusers field was 32! Is sizer giving me
wrong information? I am sure I used the updated configuration file
to build the kernel (doconfig -c MACHINENAME).
Thanks in advance for any input.
Bob Morse
System Administrator
American Mathematical Society
Received on Thu May 02 1996 - 22:27:20 NZST