Miscellaneous oddities after upgrade to DU 3.2c

From: Larry Griffith <larry_at_garfield.wsc.mass.edu>
Date: Mon, 06 May 1996 10:10:36 -0400

Dear Managers,

        I recently upgraded from OSF/1 v3.2 to DU 3.2c using
installupdate. I've noticed several "nuisance" problems since. None
are serious, but I would like to fix them if possible. Help with any
or all would be appreciated.

        1) uname -a still gives the old OSF/1 message. (I'm guessing
some kernel .c file wasn't updated?)

        2) While upgrading, I physically detached our DU LAN from the
Internet and our campus network. sendmail (v8.7.5) suddenly became
unable to deliver ANY mail (even between two addresses on my LAN).
The mail.log said it was because DNS was unavailable (true), but all
the addresses on my LAN are in /etc/hosts on each system and I have
configured the systems to look there first. (All the mail was
delivered once I reconnected).

        3) I now have Aharon Schkolnik's problem with vdump attempting
to dump /proc, too. vdump didn't do this until the upgrade.

        4) sendmail now reports mail as coming from "daemon" instead
of the actual sender (although replies work OK). I've seen something
about this one, but I can't remember where.

        5) I changed the swap space configuration on my server
(combining 2 small spaces on 2 disks to one larger space). Suddenly I
get a file called /paging/file. Is there a problem with the swap file
(it SEEMS to work)? The following comments appear in /etc/rc.config ;
should they be uncommented? The partition and disk information is


        6) One of my users put in a crontab just after the upgrade (I
normally prohibit user crontabs, but this didn't get fixed up
immediately). Now we can't get rid of the cron job, even after the
crontab is erased. Any clues? (I have restarted cron w/o success.
We haven't tried a reboot yet.)

        7) Because of past problems with losing contact with our
router and with sendmail going down, I run the following code from
the root crontab daily (fireball is our router):

if [ `/usr/sbin/netstat -r | grep "default" | grep "fireball" | wc -l` -eq 0 ]
  /sbin/route add default fireball
if [ `ps ax | grep "sendmail" | grep "accepting" | wc -l` -eq 0 ]
  /sbin/init.d/sendmail start

        This job used to run just fine under v3.2 . Now I'm getting
the following messages:

/vmunix: no namelist
writing to routing socket: File exists
add net default: gateway fireball: File exists
ioctl returns 17

        I gather this is trying to tell me I'm already connected to
"fireball", but in v3.2 I received no message at all if this was the

Larry Griffith Dept. of Computer & Info Science
larry_at_garfield.wsc.mass.edu Westfield State College
(413) 572-5294 Westfield, MA 01086 USA
PGP public key available at: http://garfield.wsc.mass.edu/dcis/griffith.html
Received on Mon May 06 1996 - 16:53:13 NZST

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