Fellow DU Manglers, (err... Managers)
I've got a question which is probabaly not related directly to DU, however here
it is:
The X server wants to divide multiple display adapters into "screens". This
leads to the form hostname:displaynumber.screennumber where screen number can be
used to diferentiate the various graphics cards on the system.
Is there a way to have the X server consider the various graphics cards as a
single large screen? In this way, windows could be dragged from one monitor to
another, and single windows could span more than one monitor (a la MacOS).
Alternativly, is there a driver for the newer PCI based AlphaStations that would
support the STB graphics card? This is a single card that supports multiple (up
to four) monitors, but appears to the system as a single large screen. We are
currently using this card under WindowsNT without any problems.
Thanks in advance!
USMail: OTA Limited Partnership E-mail: drew_at_ox.com
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"Welcome, to the machine..."
Received on Tue May 07 1996 - 18:30:44 NZST