SUMMARY: Polycenter Net View security

From: Marcelo Beltramo <>
Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 12:10:47 +0300

Well, I've got the solution in a few hours.
This list rules!

Thanks to:

Gerhard Nolte (I found it out! See below.)
Stuart Davidson (You're right, I didn't check
                                                 the whole information.)
Rob Clark (Thanks! Your mail is very complete.)

who answered my question.


How to configure security in Polycenter Net View.

My original question was:

> Hi:
> Maybe this question is not related with D.U. but, who knows?
> I am running Polycenter Net View 4.1a with D.U 3.2D-1 and I'd like to
> turn security on.
> If I run manualy /usr/OV/bin/nvsec_admin, the option "Security
> Administartion" is grey.
> If I modify manualy the flag in /usr/OV/security/conf/sec.conf
> the Net View cores.
> Does anybody do it?
> Thanks in advance.
> Marcelo.


DCE MUST be installed and configured to implement security in Polycenter Net
It is documented on "POLYCENTER Manager on Net View Installation Configuration
Guide - Chapter 5" although the rest of the documentation is ambiguos about it.
I could not test it because of the license, but it is expected to work.
Thanks again.

The answers:


>I have the same problem. Digital told me, that security is available
>only with DCE, but the documentation tells different. Please let me
>know, if you'll find out something.
>Gerhard Nolte
>Email: Voice: +49-551-709-2716 Fax: +49-551-709-2704
>Max-Planck-Institut fuer Stroemungsforschung, 37073 Goettingen, Germany


>Netview security requires DCE, see release notes.
> Stuart Davidson
> Digital Equipment Co.
> Tel. (Work, NL) +31 43 3661452
> E-Mail (Work, NL)
> E-Mail (Work, NL)
> E-Mail (Work, UK)


> Marcelo,
>In order to use NetView with security you must first install DCE. The
>menu option in NetView, Administer->Security Administration is
>designed to be greyed out until you have security turned on.
>This means to turn security on you must run the executable from the
>command line:
> # /usr/OV/bin/nvsec_admin
>and then select the menu item, Options->Global Settings and turn
>security on.
>The file /usr/OV/security/conf/sec.conf should not be edited.
>nvsec_admin reformats this file the first time you successfully turn
>security on.
>I have appended some notes that might help you get started.
>-- Rob Clark
> NetView on Digital UNIX
>Notes on installing DCE for PNV
>- -------------------------------
> Installation
> ------------
> Server
> 1. Install DCERTS130 Runtime services
> DCECDS130 Cell Directory Service
> DCESEC130 Security Server
> DCEECO132 DCE Runtime Services V1.3.2
> DCE CDS Server V1.3.2
> DCE Security Services V1.3.2
> 2. Use /usr/sbin/dcesetup to create the cell
> The defaults are fine, including enabling SIA which
> is recommended by the DCE team.
> Client
> Install the DCE client on each machine running PNV base and
> PNV clients.
> 1. Install DCERTS130 Runtime services
> DCEECO132 DCE Runtime Services V1.3.2
> 2. Use /usr/sbin/dcesetup to configure the client
> The defaults are fine
> When asked to log in to the sec-admin group, use the
> cell_admin account created during the configuration of
> the cell on the DCE server.
> Accounts
> --------
> 1. Setup user accounts for the cell
> From either the DCE server or client.
> Log into cell_admin account
> dce_login cell_admin
> Note: to help keep the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files
> in sync with the DCE you can use passwd_import
> to transfer Unix accounts to the registry.
> Hint: Create passwd and group files containing all the
> accounts and groups for DCE environment and put the
> passwd and group file in some directory, then:
> passwd_import -d dirname
> Root account is a treated specially by DCE I believe,
> so no need to establish the root account. Login to
> a user account and su to become superuser and run PNV.
> Create entries for NetView security server daemon
> rgy_edit
> do principal
> add nvsecd
> do account
> add nvsecd
> ktadd -p nvsecd (this command must be run on DCE client
> that is running pnv. It creates a password
> in the local keytable for the daemon.)
> Repeat the ktadd command to add the key (password) for nvsecd
> on each PNV client so that the PNV client security daemon
> nvsecltd can get it.
> Login
> -----
> Valid ways of logging in for DCE/NetView
> Use the login command from the UNIX prompt:
> # login
> login: clark
> Password:
> # nvauth (Username admin, default password admin, group SrAdmin)
> or # pnv (which will invoke nvauth automatically)
> Note that exiting the GUI will perform a logout, forcing you
> to invoke nvauth to login again if you want to use PNV
> commands from the UNIX prompt.
> You must be root to start the PNV daemons. I do this by logging
> into my DCE user account on the workstation, run the "login"
> command to get the DCE tickets and then su to root.
> You can login in to NetView and run the GUI from root in this way also.
> If you want to login to NetView from a DCE user account without
> su'ing to root, then until the next release you need to make one
> alteration for this to work.
> DCE user accounts must be members of the group bin.
> As root type:
> # chmod 775 /usr/OV/security/cache
> Troubleshooting:
> ----------------
> If NetView login or command hangs, stop and restart the nvsecd
> daemon and invoke nvauth to login again. This is being worked
> for the next release.


                                               {}o o{}
                 | Marcelo Fabian Beltramo e-mail
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Received on Thu May 09 1996 - 18:36:54 NZST

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