Mail forwarding under DU 3.2

From: Eric Wyn Jones (01248-382407) <"Eric>
Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 18:02:00 +0100 (BST)

This bit of text is from " man mail " on DU 3.2D

 The action of mail can be modified in two ways by manipulating

    + The default permission assignment for other users is read-only.
If you change this permission assignment to read/write or to All
Permissions Denied, the system preserves the file, even when it is
empty, in order to maintain the desired permissions; you will not be able to
remove the file.
    + You can edit the file to contain the following as its first line:
            Forward to person
       This causes all messages sent to user to be sent to person instead.
       The Forward to feature is especially useful for sending all of a
       person's mail to a particular machine in a network environment.

I read this as meaning if the file /usr/spool/mail/joe has a single line
saying :-
Forward to fred

Then joe's mail will be sent to fred ?

However I always get a bounce when sending mail to joe saying
/usr/spool/mail/joe : Permission denied !
Irrespective of the permissions on /usr/spool/mail/joe

Anybody any ideas on this one ?

| Eric Wyn Jones, Information Services, University of Wales, Bangor |
| If the gates of heaven are signed "No dogs" I'll go to hell. |
Received on Mon May 13 1996 - 19:52:00 NZST

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