X Display

From: Jean-Loup Risler <Jean-Loup.Risler_at_genetique.uvsq.fr>
Date: Wed, 15 May 96 14:56:55 +0200

Dear Gurus,

I have a Dec 2000-300 AXP running DU 3.0 which is just coming back from
being fixed (firmware problem).
I observe now 2 things I can't fix because of my ignorance:

1) Everything's fine with the first Decterm window. Now, if I open a second
   window and if I log to another account from within this window (login
   for instance) the second account has no access to X applications. The
   message is 'xhost: unable to open display ""'. Of course I type
   "setenv DISPLAY my_station:0" but to no avail.
   The fix is probably quite simple, but I have no idea.

2) For reading and sending mail, I log from this station onto a 2100 server
   running exmh. The keyboard on the station is a PC like keyboard
   The usual "delete" key marked "<-- Backspace" is understood by exmh as
   "\X08". I must certainly define something in the "bindings" menu of exmh,
   but what?

Thank you for your help,


| Jean-Loup Risler               |                                  |
| Universite de Versailles       | Tel: (33-1) 39 25 45 54          |
| Lab. Genome et Informatique    | Fax: (33-1) 39 25 45 69          |
| Batiment Buffon                |                                  |
| 45 Avenue des Etats-Unis       | email: risler_at_genetique.uvsq.fr  |
| 78035  Versailles Cedex France |                                  |
Received on Thu May 16 1996 - 15:26:39 NZST

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