Okay, gang...!
The answers came in before I even received my message back and the solution
is just WAY too easy!
I was referred (in the most supportive way possible) to man vacation (which
is something I never would have thought of!)
Again, much, much too easy! Still looking for info on those darn CERT
Thanks to lightning fingers Don Wilkerson and Mike Iglesias!
Sheryl (with a sheepish grin...)
% Sheryl A. Campbell Internet: campbell_at_lvc.edu %
% Assistant Director Voice: (717)867-6060 %
% Administrative Computing FAX: (717)867-6019 %
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% L E B A N O N V A L L E Y C O L L E G E %
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% Never underestimate the power of a smile! %
Received on Mon May 20 1996 - 18:10:29 NZST