How much POWER (SpecInts) do I need

From: Guy Dallaire <>
Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 17:23:11 -0400

Does anyone know if there is a way to determine how much power (In specInt
preferably) is needed in order to support interactive (client/server) use of
Oracle on an UNIX Server in a client/server environment ?

In particular, I would like to have an estimate of how much specInts/user is
needed, considering a medium load on the system. What is a medium load anyway ?

Oracle gives statictics as to how much disk space or memory you need, but
they give no hint on the number and/or kind of CPU that should be used in
order to give reasonable performance...

Would such statistics be meaningful ? We would like to prove that the server
"X" (Where X=model) can handle the job, considering that it has Y SpecInts
and that there will be z users on that system.

I know there are a lot of factors that could invalidate such claims, but
spec rates do not already demonstrate "real" life, so I figured that maybe
such stats exists.

Received on Tue May 21 1996 - 23:47:24 NZST

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