
From: Aharon Schkolnik <aharon_at_healdb.matat.health.gov.il>
Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 17:21:39 +0300


        Has anyone installed xview3.2p1-X11R6 - apparently the latest
version of xview ? I know there was a patch for 3.2. Does it apply to
3.2p1 ? Should I play it safe and install 3.2 with the patch ? Is
there anything else I need to know ? For instance, how do I make sure
I have X11R6 ? Do I remember that is is an option under 3.2c ? It
could be that it is installed, but I seem to remember that you have
to do something to make the system use it instead of R5.


  The day is short, and the work is great,     |   Aharon Schkolnik
  and the laborers are lazy, and the reward    |   Aharon_at_Matat.Health.Gov.IL
  is great, and the Master of the house is     |
  impatient. - Ethics Of The Fathers Ch. 2     |
Received on Sun May 26 1996 - 16:37:15 NZST

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