JARNTH wrote:
> Hi Keith,
> I have had problems with eXceed X11R6 X-terminal emulation programme
> on Windows-NT and fonts used in dxbook, especially I have located the
> problem to displaying numbers in exponential notation like 5*10**-23.
> I solved the problem by taking all fonts located in
> /usr/lib/X11/fonts/decwin/100dpi
> Copying the to my NT PC and adding the to the X11 servers font
> directory, with search prior to the fonts distributed with eXceed.
> Maybe You could do the same by taking the decwin fonts to Your Suns.
My problem was that dxbook would not display certain books on remote
X servers, looping the server instead.
Thanks to Jens Arnth Jensen (jarnth_at_dscc.dk) for the answer which is that
I needed to install the X fonts in the directory /usr/lib/X11/fonts/decwin/100dpi
on my remote X servers.
A couple of comments. Why on earth does dxbook handle a missing font so badly?
A properly designed program would report an error.
Keith Refson
| Email : keith_at_earth.ox.ac.uk | Dr Keith Refson, Dept of Earth Sciences|
| TEL(FAX): +44 1865 272026 (272072)| Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PR, UK |
Received on Tue May 28 1996 - 13:22:14 NZST