Thanks to those who responded:
Andrew C. Saylor
Bruce Whittaker
The responses of course said RTFM which I had done. Should have mentioned
that I had used the setld -D option but the kernel rebuild necessary for
the realtime subsets fails looking for files from these subsets.
Mr. Whittaker suggested the following (paraphased):
temporarily offload some of the /usr disk items to /usr/users
install to /usr
move the main directories to for the subsets to /usr/users
create links to the appropriate /usr/users directories
replace the temporarily offloaded software back to /usr
I may give this a try, when I have more time available, I have already
spent about 30 hours on this. (External optical disk drives are very very
very slow!). My guess is that the kernel re-gen. would still fail due to
the disk space limitations. In the mean time I have explained (creative
use of hammer) to the 'managing' parties that .5G is .5G and the realtime
subset installation and kernel re-gen., based on my experiences, will
simply not fit on this limited disk.
Thanks 'gain for your responses.
Bonnie DeBruler
Received on Thu May 30 1996 - 16:05:43 NZST