example device driver configuration

From: Mike Galuza <mgaluza_at_dejarnette.com>
Date: Thu, 30 May 96 17:05:03 EDT

   I will soon be writing a SCSI device driver for our Digital UNIX
system. After looking through the device driver manuals I thought
a good way to get a feel for things might be to simply configure/load
one of the example device drivers that comes with the system. I
decided to try to use the example in the /usr/examples/devdrivers/none100
directory (I tried the loadable, not static, version). I tried following
the steps outlined in both the "Writing Device Drivers: Tutorial" manual
and the /usr/examples/devdrivers/none100/README file (they differ a bit).
In both cases I get stuck in the same place. When I try to build (make)
the loadable module, none.mod, it doesn't work. The make does not
create the none.mod file. I looked at the Makefile and it doesn't
seem to have anything in there that SHOULD make it create none.mod. It
can only create none.o. Could the problem be that my "/sys/conf/config -s
BINARY" command isn't properly setting up the makefile? Any other ideas?
   Eventually I gave up trying to build none.mod because a none.mod file
already exists in /usr/examples/devdrivers/none100. So I tried to
continue on in the process using that file. Well, this time my
"sysconfig -v -c none" command failed saying that kloadsrv returned
an errno 8 (ENOEXEC - Exec format error) when it tried to load the
none.mod module. Any ideas on this?
   While I'm here, does anyone know of any other discussion lists or web
sites that may be helpful to me on this project? I've searched the web
without much luck.

Thanks in advance,

Michael Galuza
DeJarnette Research Systems mgaluza_at_dejarnette.com
401 Washington Ave Suite 700 Voice: +1(410)583-0680 x691
Towson, MD 21204 Fax: +1(410)583-0696
Received on Thu May 30 1996 - 23:19:44 NZST

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