The problem was that xdm sessions on our large installed base of
Xterminals would either spontaneously die or fail to startup, with
curious error messages being reported in xdm-errors something like
error (pid 2830): Unknown session exit code 2816 from process 2326
We have 40+ Xterms being served by our Alpha. Replies came in quickly and
were right on the money. Thanks go to
Hellebo Knut <>
Martin Li <martin_at_maths.unsw.EDU.AU>
Both immediately suggested installing the patch OSF350X-005 (which
replaces the xdm binary with a newer version). I've installed the patch.
Christopher C Stevenson C3004 (709) 737-2624
Dept. of Physics & Physical Oceanography
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, Newfoundland, CANADA A1B 3X7
Received on Wed Jun 05 1996 - 20:01:24 NZST