[SUMMARY] XDM stalls under DU3.2c

From: Christopher C. Stevenson <csteven_at_kelvin.physics.mun.ca>
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 1996 15:07:19 -0230 (NDT)

The problem was that xdm sessions on our large installed base of
Xterminals would either spontaneously die or fail to startup, with
curious error messages being reported in xdm-errors something like

 error (pid 2830): Unknown session exit code 2816 from process 2326

We have 40+ Xterms being served by our Alpha. Replies came in quickly and
were right on the money. Thanks go to

 Hellebo Knut <Knut.Hellebo_at_nho.hydro.com>
 Martin Li <martin_at_maths.unsw.EDU.AU>

Both immediately suggested installing the patch OSF350X-005 (which
replaces the xdm binary with a newer version). I've installed the patch.


Christopher C Stevenson C3004 (709) 737-2624
Dept. of Physics & Physical Oceanography
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, Newfoundland, CANADA A1B 3X7
URL: http://www.physics.mun.ca/~csteven
Received on Wed Jun 05 1996 - 20:01:24 NZST

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