Thank you for all that replyed
Most of the replys were along the lines of you can't use the chmod 6xxx
on scripts. I could not find this in the man entry for chmod witch suggest
this is a bug. <grin> (no flames please).
Most of the suggestions were createing an c program that has the chmod 6xxx
set and have it execute the ksh script. At least I think that is what they
were suggesting. I am not sure what ya all mean my a "wraper" program.
so I now have...
-r-sr-sr-x 1 root users 24576 Jun 5 15:43 fbsysd38
-rwx------ 1 root users 76 Jun 5 15:43 fbsysd38.c
-rwx------ 1 root system 547 Jun 4 11:05 fbsysd38.ksh
fbsysd38.ksh is the same as it was in my original post.
# fbsysd38
# creates a full back up of / (system pack) FS on to -T0
# to change to rmt1 change command to /sbin/vdump -0uT1 /
# hbw 22-May-1996
stime="`date +"%T"`"
LFSX="`date +"%d-%b-%Y-%T"`"
echo "fbsysd38: log file is fbsysd38."$LFSX
# first back up the root file system -- and DO NOT rewind the tape.
/sbin/vdump -0uN -f /dev/rmt0h / 2> fbsysd38.$LFSX
# now do /usr and rewind the tape.
/sbin/vdump -0u -f /dev/rmt0h /usr 2> fbsysd38.$LFSX
echo "fbsysd38: start time " $stime
echo "fbsysd38: finish time " `date +"%T"`
and the listing for fbsysd38.c is...
#include <stdlib.h>
there was one suggestion on dismounting /proc (umount /proc) and run the
dump command then re-mount it (mount -a -t procfs). The suggestor stated
that /proc is where the virtual memory swaper resides -- or at least that
was what i was able to make out from the post.
another statement was that if i did not want to rewind to backup to the
/dev/nrmt0h and not to use the vdump -0uN the man file on vdump said that
-N Does rewind the tape; is this false?
is this secure? what makes the shell script not as secure as and an ".exe"?
The backup log did not show any of the Priv. errors that I've seen in the
past week. so I guess it worked -- is this the right assumption?
thank you all again.
|H. Blakely Williford | Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully |
|Systems Administrator | as when they do it from religious conviction. |
|The Fuller Brush Company | - Pascal |
Received on Thu Jun 06 1996 - 17:03:23 NZST