On a DU 3.2C system, I created a tape by:
mt -f /dev/rmt0h rewind
ulimit -f unlimited
umask 027
find / -fstype nfs -prune -o -fstype ufs -print | cpio -oc -C 32768 -O /dev/rmt0h
mt -f /dev/rmt0h offline
I have been able to list the entire contents of the tape by:
mt -f /dev/rmt0h rewind
cpio -itvc -C 32768 -I /dev/rmt0h >twr.scr 2>&1
A "grep /res1/cphsu/mlk183 twr.scr" shows that the directory and files are
on the tape (69 files and directories).
Now I have tried to restore the directory and all files by:
mt -f /dev/rmt0h rewind
ulimit -f unlimited
umask 027
cpio -ivmudc -C 32768 -I /dev/rmt0h "/res1/cphsu/mlk183*"
and by:
mt -f /dev/rmt0h rewind
ulimit -f unlimited
umask 027
cpio -ivmudc -C 32768 -I /dev/rmt0h /res1/cphsu/mlk183\*
The only file restored is the directory "/res1/cphsu/mlk183" but none of
its files.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Tom Rioux
ECJ 3.400.C4
Civil Engineering Department C1700
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 78712
512-471-0592 FAX
512-606-8320 digital pager
Received on Tue Jun 18 1996 - 19:14:42 NZST