On Mon, 17 Jun 96 14:14:21 MDT, my original question was:
> I have an SGI Indigo2 running Irix5.3 and would like to run some
> graphical programs from it into an AlphaStation 250 4/266. The problem
> is, I get the following error:
> jeeves:/usr/demos> buttonfly
> dgl error (protocol): remote machine not DGL capable - butch:0.0
> dgl error (default init): default dglopen(butch:0.0,4) returned -13
> Anybody know if it's possible to install DGL on the Alpha (DU 3.2C)?
The answer is that dgl cannot be installed on anything but SGIs. OpenGL
can be installed on Alphas, and it's in the layered products. The kit
that contains it is Open3D. However this will only run those things that
SGI chooses to do under OpenGL. DGL things won't work.
Thanks to:
Hellebo Knut <Knut.Hellebo_at_nho.hydro.com>
Stan Huhman <huhman_at_rg.deere.com>
Mariano Goluboff
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Received on Tue Jun 18 1996 - 22:25:06 NZST