I'm a novice unix administrator. One of the servers I support is an
AlphaServer2000 4/233 running Dunix 3.2b. It has 4 tape drives, 2 of
which are tk70's. As root, I run the command file/dev rmt*h and get
the following from the second tk70 only after it has done a tar
backup and readback to a file to make a directory listing.
/dev/rmt3h: character special (9/19458) SCSI #1 TZ87 tape #88 (SCSI
ID #3) errors = 1/0 62500_bpi
The drive seems to make good backups but runs slightly slower than
the other tk70 for backing up the same files (the drives do not run
simultaneously); 11 versus 12 hours.
When the computer is rebooted, the error is not reported when I run
the file command. I have tried swapping cables, positions and SCSI
ID's between the two tk70's and the error follows the same drive.
What does errors = 1/0 mean? Is there a place where I can find a
listing of all the error message codes?
Sorry if this is too parochial for most of you but I'm trying to get
up to speed in a hurry. I'll summarize, if only for the archives for
another newbie like me. TIA for your wisdom.
(o o)
Robert J. Young Sr. Hdwr. Dsgn. Engr.
Mail Stop 432/A2 E-mail: young_at_fp.com
Elsag Bailey, Inc. Voice: 215-674-6064
125 E. County Line Road FAX: 215-674-7182
Warminster, PA, USA 18974
Received on Wed Jun 19 1996 - 02:11:39 NZST