I want my ftp users can get directories with the feature TAR+COMPRESS
of wu-ftpd. I have now static versions of gnu-tar and compress.
I do have these binaries in ~ftp/bin, and the file "ftpconversions" is ok.
However, anyone BUT anonymous ftp user can get "directory.tar.Z"
Anonymous FTP user can get any other file : "file.Z" from "file", "file"
from "file.Z", "dir.tar" from "dir" and so on (with extensions .gz or .z)
For other users, "get directory.tar.Z" works well, but for anonymous it
results with an empty file...
I suspect something is wrong in the PATH for anonymous, or a temporary
file, or what else ?
I even tried with root to chroot to ~ftp and "/bin/gtar -c -Z -f...."
(as in ftpconversions) - everything is ok.
Comments are welcome.
Thanks in advance.
Magali BERNARD (magali_at_univ-st-etienne.fr)
CRITeR - 23 rue du Dr Paul Michelon
42023 St-Etienne Cedex 2 - FRANCE
Received on Thu Jun 27 1996 - 12:12:14 NZST