SUMMARY: Question on another old problem

From: Eugene Chu <chu_at_musp0.Jpl.Nasa.Gov>
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 1996 15:27:36 -0700

Many thanks to the folks for responding to my question. I had a problem
with my system running out of pty's (with just 4 users eating up 32 pty's!)
and could not remember the procedure to create them, and could not locate
the correct archive site. I did check the man pages for MAKEDEV, which
indicated the procedure is to use the PTY_# designation to create oodles
of pty's, but I wasn't sure if those were the same types of devices as
what the O/S install procedure created. Thanks to the following for
clearing it up with some good explanations and answers:

Jo Knox <>
Mark Glidden <>
Dave Cherkus <cherkus_at_UniMaster.COM> wrote:
"Mitch Bertone" <>
Dr. William Bennett BENNETT_at_MPGARS.DESY.DE
Walter Alpuin <>

I won't repeat what they said, since a lot of it is in the archives.
But if anyone wants details, you can email me. The simple answer is:

% cd /dev

where # is some number from 1 to 9, and each invocation creates 23
pty's. (Kind of a strange denominatin.) The default kernel has 256
built in.

Also, the archives can be found at:

Received on Sat Jul 13 1996 - 00:38:51 NZST

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