Problems with third-party drives on KZPSC-BA RAID controller...

From: Edward C. Bailey <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 1996 18:15:35 -0400

Hello all,

    I have a situation where we have some Quantum Atlas drives (XP34300SW
to be specific), and some StorageWorks BA-35X-CH wide SBBs that we are
attempting to use in a BA356 wide StorageWorks shelf connected to a
KZPSC-BA RAID controller (which is a 3-channel PCI-based controller card).
The controller is in an AlphaServer 2100. This system will be running VMS.

    The problem is that the drives do not work with the KZPSC. If we
connect the shelf with the drives to a PC with an Adaptec 2940UW wide
controller, NT will see them, and they work just fine.

    If, however, we attempt to connect them to the KZPSC in the
AlphaServer, the controller configuration utility reports the drives as
"UNF" (ie, unformatted). No problem, we'll just format them -- Nope! If
we attempt a format we either get an immediate fatal controller error, or
the drive activity light stays on for 5-10 minutes, and it says the format

    In speaking with a StorageWorks support person, I was told, somewhat
frostily, that the drive is not on the "supported list". When I asked for
a copy of this list so I could see what my options were, I was told it's
"proprietary engineering information". Indeed. He also mumbled something
about looking in the SPD for the operating system (which is kinda silly as
all this took place under the controller config utility, which was booted
directly from floppy), and the SPD for the controller "software". All that
stuff is in the computer room a few miles away; I'll be checking it a bit

    We had been using Quantum Grand Prix drives on this controller,
and they seemed to work just fine. But Quantum no longer makes them, and
we were offered the Atlas as a replacement. But it doesn't work!
Anybody have any thoughts? Comments? Ideas?

                    Thanks in advance,

Ed Bailey, Information Systems and Networks
(contracted to: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences)
2327 Englert Drive.
Suite 200
Durham, NC 27713
    Voice: (919)361-9422, extension 239
      FAX: (919)544-6642
Received on Thu Jul 18 1996 - 00:33:37 NZST

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