Hello all:
We are getting the attached mail message, rootmail, every night from
the MEQS cronjob, even though we have piped the output and STDERR TO
Your help will be really appreciated.
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 1996 16:00:00 -0400
From: system PRIVILEGED account <root>
Message-Id: <9607082000.AA02726_at_ikeidb.ddeamc-a.chcs.amedd.army.mil>
Apparently-To: root
stty: tcgetattr: Not a typewriter
stty: tcgetattr: Not a typewriter
Not a terminal
Cron: The previous message is the standard output
and standard error of one of your cron commands.
Received on Thu Jul 18 1996 - 22:29:13 NZST