Thanks to Nicolas Point and Robert Schuhl.
1) DEC say is that it is a known problem.
2) There was the same problem for Alpha-VMS but on that platform
there is a patch available from DEC.
> If I print a bookreader item using postscript, certain words are
> omitted while others are run together. The output is identical
> whether an HP4si or Lexmark 12r is used.
> Using text mode, hyphens which indicate a word is broken over two
> lines are missing.
Martyn Brown, Snr Computer Consultant, ph 64 3 3252 811
Computer Services, Lincoln University, fax 64 3 3253 865
Canterbury, New Zealand email brown_at_lincoln.ac.nz
Received on Wed Aug 14 1996 - 23:09:22 NZST