Help: Using LUNs on AdvFS???

From: Harald Lundberg <>
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 1996 13:49:27 +0300 (EET DST)

I recently bought an external RAID unit (CMD) and started running AdvFS
on top of it. Different logical disks appear as LUNs and not as different
scsi target ID's on it. So I have /dev/rz0g in my domain (target 0, lun 0)
and then I wanted to add /dev/rzb0g to the doamin (target 0, lun 1).
dxadvfs could not find the disk with non-zero lun, so I added it to
the domain with addvol, and both look ok in /etc/fdmns/kitty:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root system 9 Aug 31 17:00 rz0g -> /dev/rz0g
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root system 10 Aug 31 17:00 rzb0g -> /dev/rzb0g

I also seems to work, BUT:
dxadvs says 'That volume does not exist within that file domain.'
whenever I click on the volume. And showfdmn says:
# /sbin/showfdmn kitty

               Id Date Created LogPgs Domain Name
3208709a.00002126 Wed Aug 7 13:31:54 1996 512 kitty

  Vol 512-Blks Free % Used Cmode Rblks Wblks Vol Name
   1 3657728 46960 99% on 128 128 /dev/rz0g
   3L 7880704 1983840 75% on 128 128 /dev/rz0g
      ---------- ---------- ------
        11538432 2030800 82%

Note that the 'Vol Name' is the same for both volumes!!! Should I be

Harald Lundberg <>;Tekla Oy,Koronakatu 1,FIN-02210,ESPOO,FINLAND
tel +358-{0-8879449work,0-8039489fax,0-8026752,11-2418013res,50-5578303mob)
Received on Mon Sep 02 1996 - 13:21:53 NZST

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