[SUMMARY] forms for print queues

From: Marcelo Beltramo <m_beltramo_at_sonda.cl>
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 1996 01:57:38 -0400

Many thanks to:

Alan alan_at_nabeth.cxo.dec.com
Knut Helleboe Knut.Hellebo_at_nho.hydro.com

Mi original question was:

>Hi managers:
> Do you know if there is any way to emulate the VMS's /FORM for lpr o lp
>jobs? The idea is to set margins, send 132 escape sequences, etc.
> Thanks in advance.

And the answers are:

i) [From alan_at_nabeth.cxo.dec.com]

>One could implement a print filter that provides the various
>options desired, and then create a print queue entry that
>uses that print filter instead of the distributed one for
>a particular printer. Then one could use a common print
>queue lock file (which is an option that can be specified
>by printcap) for print queues using shared printers and
>have the filters manage the lock file as needed.
>For many distributed print filters where printing 132
>column instead of 80 is a simple matter of generating
>different Postscript or sending an escape sequence to
>reset the printer, they may already do this and you can
>specify "form" details on the command line. This is
>especially true of network Postscript printers that
>support multiple trays and paper sizes.
>Once upon a time, how to write a print filter was documented,
>but I don't know if that is still the case.

ii) [From Knut.Hellebo_at_nho.hydro.com]

>If you find a solution/workaround remember this will only work locally, i.e
>any networked system cannot use these capabilities on the relevant printer.
> ******************************************************************
> * Knut Helleboe | DAMN GOOD COFFEE !! *
> * Norsk Hydro a.s | (and hot too) *
> * Phone: +47 55 996870, Fax: +47 55 996342 | *
> * Pager: +47 96 500718 | *
> * E-mail: Knut.Hellebo_at_nho.hydro.com | Dale Cooper, FBI *
> ******************************************************************

Thanks again!

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                 | Marcelo Fabian Beltramo e-mail
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Received on Thu Sep 05 1996 - 14:38:50 NZST

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