Query: LAT between dUnix workstations?

From: Neil Schellenberger <nschelle_at_crosskeys.com>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 19:08:48 -0700

Does anyone out there know how to convince dUnix latcp to connect
together two LAT devices (/dev/lat/xxx)? I've tried everything that I
can think of without getting anywhere.

On a related note, is there half decent LAT technical or programming
documentation to be found anywhere? I tried several web search engines
without finding anything useful. The dUnix docs are pretty skimpy on
details. (The /usr/examples/lat programs are fine and dandy but it
would be nice to know what ALL of those ioctls in latioc.h do. At least
what the differences are between the various BIND_* options and what the
differences are between the various INFO_TOUCH_* options. Not everyone
was born knowing why a bound interactive service will not pick up a call
from a host initiated connection....)


Neil Schellenberger             | Voice : (604) 205-9900 ext. 5922
CrossKeys Systems Corp. (West)	| Fax   : (604) 205-9940
#502 - 4180 Lougheed Highway	| E-Mail: nschelle_at_crosskeys.com
Burnaby, B.C., Canada, V5C 6A7  | URL   : http://www.crosskeys.com/
Received on Sat Sep 07 1996 - 04:24:52 NZST

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