SUMMARY : Multiple IP's and Netscape Multiple Servers

From: Christophe Prevotaux <>
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 15:01:00 +0000

Question was :
how to setup multiple IPs ( virtual IP ) on one ethernet
controller with one IP domain and multiple domains name as well as setting
up a webserver per virtual domain name


in rc.config

NUM_NETDEV="<the number of virtual ethernet board you use>"

NETDEV0="<your interface name ( the real one )>"
NETDEV1="<your interface name:1>"
NETDEV2="<your interface name:2>"

in your /etc/namedb/ directory
a <your domainname>.db for each domain defined .... you can use a copy of
your main .db file but with only the entry needed for virtual machine IP

a <your reverse virtual IP>.rev for each domain defined can use a
copy of your main .rev file but with only the entry needed for virtual
machine IP

do not forget to change the ID of your files and to make a
/sbin/init.d/named restart on both your primary and seconday DNS

and in resolv.conf

domain < your virtual domain>
nameserver your primary DNS IP
nameserver your secondary DNS IP

then install netscape server with bind address for each webserver you
want to assign..

voila ... :)

Christophe Prevotaux     |        EBCnet, Reims, France    
IRC: nighty              |     Internet Services Provider 
Email:    |      Champagne-Ardenne Region
www:   |       tel: + 33 26 49 99 00
              Sysadmin EBCnet/Internet Systems Engineer 
                  PGP public key available on demand
-  My opinions do not necessarily reflect those of my employer      -
Received on Tue Sep 10 1996 - 15:29:57 NZST

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