Summary: DEC Cobol Compiler on DU

From: System Manager <>
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 03:20:59 -0400 (EDT)

        My orginal post was cocerned compatibility problems with the DEC
Cobol compiler and Cobol compilers on other platforms. I was also looking
for sample code. Although I only received 1 reply, it was enough to solve
my problem. Many thanks to Peter Milnes (
I've include his reply below.

---------- Forwarded message ----------


This is a example one of our lectueres use here. We use cobol for
teaching purposes only. This example will only use sequential files as
DEC COBOL does not come automatically with ISAM file support. If you need
that we use INFORMIX cisam. If you want more details of that I can supply

The file is also on our anonymous ftp server
in pub/UNIX/example.cob

Hope this helps

Peter Milnes
Multi-User Systems Support Officer
NTU Information Tech Support



      * This program indicates the use of the record structure and
      conditions * in cobol . * This program is 1985 ansi standard and
      should work on any compiler. * Full stops can be used to
      terminate any statement in all standards. * Since 1985 end-if,
      end-perform, end-read etc are available.

        AUTHOR. Barbara Tuck.
        INSTALLATION. Banda.
        DATE-WRITTEN. 13-9-96.
        SECURITY. None.



      Select output-file assign to "output2.dat".
      * If a file has been created with a text editor it is line
      sequential * not sequential.
     Select input-file assign to "input2.dat"
               organization is line sequential.

        FD output-file
            label records are omitted.
        01 output-line.
      * Numeric editing has been used on some of the lines of output
      here. * You cannot use numeric edited numbers in any arithmetic
     05 customer-number-out pic x(6).
     05 filler pic x(5).
     05 customer-surname-out pic x(20).
     05 filler pic x(5).
     05 customer-given-name-out pic x(20).
     05 filler pic x(5).
            05 customer-amount-out pic zzz9.99.
     05 filler pic x(5).
     05 customer-limit-out pic zzz9.99.
     05 filler pic x(5).
     05 message-line pic x(40).
        FD input-file
            label records are omitted.
        01 input-line.
     05 customer-number pic x(6).
     05 customer-surname pic x(20).
     05 customer-given-name pic x(20).
            05 customer-amount pic 9999v99.
     05 customer-limit pic 9999v99.
     05 filler pic x(22).

 01 temporary-variables.
     05 limit-exceeded pic x(40) value
            "This client has exceeded his limit".
            05 invalid-data pic x(40) value
            "The data in this record is not numeric".
 01 flags.
     05 more-data pic x value "y".
                88 no-more-data value "n".
            05 validity-flag pic x value "n".
                88 valid value "y".

      * This paragraph is the controlling paragraph for this
      * program. It opens the files, does the priming read and
      * controls the main paragraph. It closes files and
      * stops the program when the input files records have all
      * been read.

            Open input input-file
                 output output-file.
     Move spaces to output-line.
            Read input-file
                 at end
                      set no-more-data to true.
     Perform read-and-process
            Close input-file output-file.
            Stop run.

     Perform check-validity.
     If valid
         perform process-limit
         perform an-error-in-data
     Move spaces to input-line.
            Read input-file
                 at end
                      set no-more-data to true.
      * This paragraph checks the validity of data.

     Move "n" to validity-flag.
     If customer-amount is numeric
                and customer-limit is numeric
                    move "y" to validity-flag.

      * This paragraph checks the customer limit for each customer *
      and moves the appropriate message to the report.

     If customer-amount is greater than customer-limit
                move limit-exceeded to message-line.
     Perform produce-output-line.

      * This paragraph produces the report line for data
      * with a numeric error in it.

     Move invalid-data to message-line.
            Move customer-number to customer-number-out.
     Move customer-surname to customer-surname-out.
     Move customer-given-name to customer-given-name-out.
     Write output-line after advancing 1 line.
            Move spaces to output-line.

      * This paragraph produces the normal report line.

            Move customer-number to customer-number-out.
     Move customer-surname to customer-surname-out.
     Move customer-given-name to customer-given-name-out.
     Move customer-amount to customer-amount-out.
         Move customer-limit to customer-limit-out.
     Write output-line after advancing 1 line.
     Move spaces to output-line.

   Peter Milnes !email:
   Multi-User Systems Support Officer !phone +61 8 89 46 6116 (wk)
   Information Technology Support !
   Northern Territory University !


Tom Leffingwell Office: SBA 211
Systems Manager Office Phone: (305) 284-1771
Network Security Email:
Pseudo DNS/IP Coordinator

School of Business
University of Miami
Received on Sat Sep 14 1996 - 09:49:04 NZST

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