SUMMARY:Bell volume is too low

From: Kevin Behrooz <>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 08:18:56 -0400 (ADT)

Hello managers,

Sorry about the late summary. A few weeks ago I had asked:

I have an Alpha 3000/400 running 3.2C. The volume for the bell
is just too low to hear. This is true for any user who logs at
consule. Is there an easy way to increase the volume?

There are some X functions that could take care of this, but
could not figure out how to implement them. Do I need to put
something in .Xdefaults?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

I am very greatfull to the following people who took the time to reply:
John Wiebe <>
Oyanarte Portilho <> (Richard WOOD) (Serge Munhoven)

I hope I haven't missed anyone.

The answer was to use xset. Complete replies follow:


Are you using DECwindows or CDE ? if you are using DECwindows you should be
able to open the keyboad options in the session manager and look for the
bell volume and slide the button to the right.

gary gladney


From: John Wiebe <>

try this
# xset c 100

this will set the bell volume to 100%, you can include it in
a .cshrc, .profile, .login, .kshrc etc

>From bremner_at_mutt.CS.McGill.CA Thu Aug 15 14:59:11 1996

see the man page for xset


>From Thu Aug 15 13:14:41 1996

Put into your ~/.X11Startup file (~/.dtprofile under CDE) something like:

/usr/bin/X11/xset b 50 400 100

this sets the volume to 50% of max, with a 400 hertz pitch, and a
duration of 100 milliseconds.

          given, the bell will be turned off. If only one numerical parame-
          ter is given, the bell volume will be set to that value, as a per-
          centage of its maximum. Likewise, the second numerical parameter
          specifies the bell pitch, in hertz, and the third numerical parame-
          ter specifies the duration in milliseconds. Note that not all
          hardware can vary the bell characteristics. The X server will set
          the characteristics of the bell as closely as it can to the user's

From: Oyanarte Portilho <>


Maybe the message below, posted in the osf-managers list, may
be interesting to you.


                Oyanarte Portilho
                Dept. of Physics
                U. of Brasilia, Brazil


>From Tue Jun 11 10:15:46 1996
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Date: Tue, 11 Jun 1996 12:49:20 +0300
From: Dexel - Durban <>
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To: Digital Unix Mailing list <>
Subject: [SUMMARY] Really loud beep
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-=Original Question=-

Whenever I make a mistake, ie hit backspace in 'vi' when I'm in command
mode - my alphastation 200/166 issues a **really** loud beep.

Is there anyway I can adjest the volume - besides totally disabling the
speaker ?

-= Answer -=

Play with
                xset b <>

ie, xset b off

Switches the beeper off !

-= *thanks* to the following who replied =-

Hans Ranke <Hans.Ranke_at_Regent.E-Technik.TU-Muenchen.DE>

- Carl
Carl Schei                      | Dexel (Pty) Ltd (Durban)      |
Software Engineer               | Tel : 27 31 2669273           |
email :    | Fax : 27 31 2660340           |
From: (Richard WOOD)
     Use the 'xset' program.
     'xset -q' to query current server settings.
     'xset b <volume> <pitch> <duration>' to set bell parameters.
     eg. xset b 100 sets the bell to the loudest value, ie. 100%
     Richard Wood - Banque Paribas
From: (Serge Munhoven)
try changing the *bell_percent entry in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/DXsession
This should do the job. You can use xset -q to check the actual setting.
(cf dxsession (1X), xset (1X)) 
Received on Mon Sep 16 1996 - 14:51:31 NZST

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