[SUMMARY] Commands

From: Ing. Rosa Isela Gonzalez Alvarez <rgonzale_at_leo.uacj.mx>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 19:57:03 -0500

Thanks to all who answered my question:

Jim Belonis <belonis_at_dirac.phys.washington.edu>
Julio Rodriguez Payan <julio_at_labvis.unam.mx>
Christophe DIARRA <diarra_at_ipno.in2p3.fr>
de Cuzey <phid_at_nea.fr>
David Pesticcio <davidp_at_cableol.net>
Kurt Knochner <Kurt.Knochner_at_physik.tu-muenchen.de>
Oyanarte Portilho <portilho_at_helium.fis.unb.br>
Ing. Josecas <josecas_at_abnal.fc.uaslp.mx>
Tom Webster <webster_at_i5142311.mdc.com>
zamboni_at_cs.purdue.edu (Diego Zamboni)

My original question was:

Dear managers,

        I have a DEC 3000 running du 3.2 with some users and I want to know
if there's a way to know what commands they executed while they were
connected (logon) to the server. I want to know if there is an operating
system program or a freeware/shareware program.

I received these good ideas:

1. Turn on standard system accounting (man accton).
2. Use script (man script) to record every Terminal IO of an user.
3. Look /home/.sh_history file. This saves all the commands that a user
enter. Edit .profile of each user and add the lines:
   set history=50
   set savehist=50

Thank you again. :)

Ing. Rosa Isela Gonzalez Alvarez
Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez
Av. Adolfo Lopez Mateos # 20
C.P. 32310
Tel. 16-57-32 y 16-57-78 ext. 324
e-mail address rgonzale_at_uacj.mx
Received on Fri Sep 20 1996 - 03:07:21 NZST

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