I hav an alphastation 500 now running 4.0 that seems to be unable to load some
fortran. The same fortran can be run just fine on other machines running both 3.2c
and 4.0. Also the same program will not run on an alpha 8400 at the pitsberg super
computing center. Here is the error:
2 snow% f77 -o disp3d.out -O5 disp3d.f -lnetcdf
fort: Info: disp3d.f, line 440: Default STATUS= 'UNKNOWN' used in OPEN statement
open (unit=iunit, file='test.cdl')
3 snow% disp3d.out
21740:disp3d.out: /sbin/loader: Fatal Error: set_program_attributes failed to set
heap start
4 snow% uname -a
OSF1 snow V4.0 386 alpha
Here is it running on a 250 with 3.2c:
6 windy% ~/fortran/disp3d.out
the number of points in the file is 91
the number of points ill use is 91
x runs from 315000.000000000 to 765000.000000000
y runs from 135000.000000000 to 495000.000000000
z runs from 0.000000000000000E+000 to 16000.0000000000
dx = 3000.00000000000 dy = 3000.00000000000 dz =
and dt = 240.000000000000
total memory needed = 199918801
total memory requested = 200000000
1 65956801 132022801 199180801
nt before read_flds = 91
forrtl: error (69): process interupted (SIGINT)
7 windy% uname -a
OSF1 windy.atmos.washington.edu V3.2 148 alpha
I have another 4.0 machine that it loads on, but doesn't have enough swap. The odd
part is that it can't even load. Does anyone know what this really means?
David Warren INTERNET: warren_at_atmos.washington.edu
(206) 543-0945 Fax: (206) 543-0308
University of Washington
Dept of Atmospheric Sciences, Box 351640
Seattle, WA 98195-1640
DECUS E-PUBS Library Committee representative
Received on Wed Sep 25 1996 - 17:29:15 NZST