The following were my questions:
>Question #1
>I am using nrdist to keep some directories on 2 machines in sync. The
>following is a sample of one of the entries in my distfile:
>LOCAL_SCRIPTS = (/usr/local/bin/*)
>scripts: ${LOCAL _SCRIPTS} -> remote_host
> install -oremove ;
>The man page for nrdist says the following for the -oremove option:
>Remove extraneous files. If a directory is being updated, any files that
>exist on the remote host that do not exist in the master directory are
>removed. This is useful for maintaining truly identical copies of
>I have found from time to time that there are files in /usr/local/bin on
>remote-host that no longer exist on the master.
>After reviewing the sample in the man page, I wonder if I need to change
>/usr/local/bin/* to /usr/local/bin. Or is there something else wrong?
>Question #2
>I use Emacs as my editor of choice. The problem is that when typing
>scripts the tabs are set to 8. I would like to be able to set them at 4.
>I have searched the manual and not had any success in figuring out how to
>do this.
I did not receive any repsonses to my first question.
I received 2 responses to the 2nd question.
Thanks to the following:
Edward C Bailey
Sigismondo Boschi
I ended up putting the following in an ~/.emacs file.
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
(setq-default tab-stop-list
'(4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96
100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132))
(setq-default tab-width 4)
The 1st line says to use spaces instead of tab characters.
The 2nd line sets the tab stops.
The 3rd line sets the tab width to 4.
I was not able to get the tab of 4 to work without the 1st line. I would
have liked to because I would rather have tab characters. For now I am
happy to get 4 characters tabs.
[ Randy Rodgers
[ System Administrator
[ Allen County/City of Fort Wayne
[ Information Systems
[ (219)449-7660
Received on Wed Oct 02 1996 - 16:41:24 NZST