Summary: Contents of /etc/TIMEZONE file

From: Aharon Schkolnik <>
Date: 27 Oct 1996 15:29:27 +0200


My original questions:

>> Hi.
>> I'm using a perl module which needs to determine my
>> timezone. It first tests the variable TZ, if that is not
>> defined, it checks of /etc/TIMEZONE exists, if so, it does:
>> grep ^TZ /etc/TIMEZONE
>> Now, my /etc/TIMEZONE file is empty, which causes the above
>> grep to return nil, which causes the perl program to fail. Of
>> course, one could expect the perl program to check if it gets
>> something reasonable back from the grep, but that is not the
>> point, because if /etc/TIMEZONE doesn't exist, it uses GMT,
>> which is not correct.
>> So, my questions are:
>> 1. should /etc/TIMEZONE be empty, and if not, what should it
>> contain.
>> 2. how do I set TZ to the " correct vaule". By this I mean, if
>> I do date, I get
>> Sun Oct 13 11:09:09 IST 1996
>> which correctly shows IST. Thus, the system knows that my
>> timezone is IST. In order to get the perl program to also know
>> this, I must either get this info into /etc/TIMEZONE, or into
>> TZ. Of course, I realize that I can simply put TZ=IST;export TZ
>> into my .profile (that's what I'm doing now), but I do not want
>> to require each user on my system to do that - it should be set
>> on a system level.
>> I just noticed that /etc/profile contains the line
>> . /etc/TIMEZONE. Does that mean that I should put the command
>> TZ=IST;export TZ
>> in /etc/TIMEZONE ?
>> If so, how do I do that for all the different shells ?
>> Otherwise, do I have to put the correct command in each shells
>> initialization file (using the appropriate syntax) ?


>>>>> "Harald" == Harald Lundberg <> writes:

>> 1. should /etc/TIMEZONE be empty, and if not, what should it
>> contain.

    Harald> DU uses an alternate (better) method. Actually most Unixes
    Harald> use this newer method nowadays, but I think TZ will
    Harald> override. So don't set TZ. If you just want to find out
    Harald> the name of the timezone, use 'date +%Z'. The timezone is
    Harald> set by creating a link called 'localtime' in
    Harald> /etc/zoneinfo, pointing to a timezone file (binary,
    Harald> compiled with zic, sources are in the sources/
    Harald> subdirectory).


        1. /etc/TIMEZONE should be empty - see above.
        2. can use TZ=`date +%Z` in each shell's startup file
        3. I wrote to the author of the perl script which was giving
me problems - he added the `date +%Z` code to the script.

Thanks also to:

>>>>> "Serge" == Serge Munhoven <> writes:
>>>>> "Tom" == Tom Rioux <> writes:
>>>>> "Steve" == Steve Thompson <smt_at_NICS1.CORNING.COM>
>>>>> "skinner" == skinner <>

  The day is short, and the work is great,     |   Aharon Schkolnik
  and the laborers are lazy, and the reward    |   Aharon_at_Matat.Health.Gov.IL
  is great, and the Master of the house is     |
  impatient. - Ethics Of The Fathers Ch. 2     |
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