DU 4.0a has broken "more" with stderr redirected to a file

From: Eric Wyn Jones (01248-382407) <"Eric>
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 1996 17:19:34 +0000 (GMT)

I'm running Digital unix 4.0A

In a Korn shell script I have something like :-

 more .login 2>>error.log

"more" will only display the first page and exit without any prompts.
 Is this expected behaviour ? It did not use to be thus !

This "more" is /bin/more

||| This worked fine under Digital unix 3.2 (and still does !) |||
||| The 3.2 version of "more" copied to the 4.0a version also works.|||

| Eric Wyn Jones, Information Services, University of Wales, Bangor |
| "Puppies for sale the only love money can buy" |
Received on Sat Nov 02 1996 - 00:05:16 NZDT

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