Questions about C-devlopment and Digital UNIX

From: Guy Dallaire <>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 1996 21:16:13 -0500

We recently discovered that we only have ONE C-Developper's extension
licence at our site. Nowadays, I could build numerous sharewares from the
'net on my test server which does not have the C Developper's extensions.

I have a couple of questions regarding this

a) What are the benefits of that PAK (C-DEV extensions) ? Is it worth the cash ?

b) Can I get along with the "standard" c compiler ?

c) What is the difference between the bare bones compiler and the one that
comes with the c-dev extensions ? IS it the same ?

d) I heard (or read somewhere, I don't remember) that the base compiler that
comes with the OS can only be used to build a kernel. As it happens, this
is not true because I can compile a lot of stuff with it.... Am I wrong ?

e) Are the GNU compilers reliable for Digital UNIX ? Where can I get the
latest version ? Does it work well with Oracle Pro*C precompilers ? Can it
link with the libraries provided by digital ? (Compatible ?) Is it 64 bit
aware ?

                                Thanks in advance

Guy Dallaire

"God only knows if god exists"
Received on Tue Nov 12 1996 - 03:30:07 NZDT

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