dtmail - UNIX 4.0a client hanging and losing mail messages

From: Steven Dunstan <steven.dunstan_at_zoology.oxford.ac.uk>
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 1996 14:59:19 -0000

I'm experiencing problems with dtmail losing messages.

My system is an AlphaStation 500/400 running DEC UNIX 4.0a.

The system mail directory (/var/spool/mail) is NFS mounted from a
Sun SparcServer running Solaris 2.4 (/var/mail).

dtmail intermittently has problems reading the system mail folder ...
"cannot access the object" and sometimes mail is lost altogether.
It has arrived though, I've checked the syslog on the Sun.

DEC advised setting MAILLOCKING 1 but this didn't work.

I'd be grateful for any advice you have.

Steve Dunstan

Department of Zoology
University of Oxford
Received on Sun Nov 17 1996 - 16:11:46 NZDT

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