tty modes & remote X terms

From: Neil R. Smith <>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 1996 18:55:39 -0600

I'm confused -- Why are the tty modes 'intr' and 'erase' not set
correctly (by default) for dtterm's rsh'ed from AIX to OSF/1 v3.2 when
the opposite works just fine - dxterm's rshed from OSF to AIX? Let me

In our unix cluster we've got DEC Alpha's at OSF/1 v3.2 and IBM RS6000's
at AIX 4.1.4 (running the CDE). NIS is in effect and they all nfs share
/home. [assume appropriate $HOME/.rhosts content]

I want our users to be able to open windows on the other unix boxes in
the cluster from the one they may be sitting down at ... dxterm from a
remote DEC and dtterm from a remote AIX. Pinultimate is to put it in
the $HOME/.mwmrc or $HOME/.dt/dtwmrc I've got it working fine sitting
at the AIX box and rsh'ing a dxterm from an Alpha to the local display.
Backspace and ^c do as they're expected. But when I sit down at an
Alpha and rsh a dtterm (*or an xterm, doesn't matter*) the ^c and
backspace (delete) don't work.

Why is that, and does it suggest a fix other than including the
appropriate -xrc options (intr and erase) in the dtterm or xterm command

Neil R. Smith, Res. Assoc./Sys. Admin.
Dept. Meteorology, Texas A&M Univ.          409/862-4342
Received on Tue Nov 19 1996 - 02:07:28 NZDT

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