about anonymous ftp

From: Peng Wei <pengw_at_astrosv1.ihep.ac.cn>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 10:35:31 +0800

Thanks to
    Phil Farrell farrell_at_pangea.stanford.edu
    Bernt Christandl beb_at_rosat.mpe-garching.mpg.de
    Martin L. Norris norris_at_phir.sph.jhu.edu
    Tim Winders twinders_at_spc.cc.tx.us

I have resolved my problem on anonymous ftp. The original
problem is that user can't use command 'dir' when using
anonymous ftp.

The answer is:
/usr/bin/ls uses the shared runtime libraries in /usr/lib. The
anonymous ftp account has no access to /usr/lib. You need to
copy the statically linked version of ls from /sbin, instead.
Received on Fri Nov 22 1996 - 03:50:15 NZDT

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