Unlocking accounts from inet connections

From: Greg Merrell <greg_at_netuser.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 1996 21:32:04 -0800 (PST)

Many of our users access their DUnix V4.0a email boxes through qpopper
(V2.1.4-R3), and some have a problem with getting their password right.

One user in particular seems to get locked out of the system for an extended
period when he does this. (His account is setup for 5 password retries and a
60 minute timeout on failure.) He insists that he never gets it wrong 2 times
in a row let alone 5 times, but so far he has gotten locked out three times
now because of this.


1) How can I insure that his retry counter really works?

2) Is there any way to unlock the account before the hour is up? (I know how
to display and manage this feature on VMS, but after quite a bit of searching
on DUnix, couldn't find the display function let alone the unlock command!)

3) What is it that is really getting locked? When he couldn't get in through
POP, he could still telnet to his account and get in without a problem.



=============My return addresses are===============
Greg Merrell Email: greg_at_netuser.com
Netuser Communications Voice: +1-408-253-0970
Cupertino, CA Fax: +1-408-253-0590
Received on Thu Nov 28 1996 - 07:44:07 NZDT

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